Ted's Valley Auction

Upcoming Auction Calendar

May 11th, 9am.  Consignment Auction-2114 Hill Street, Kamiah, Idaho.  Preview May 10th, 10am-6pm.

Upcoming Auctions Calendar

May 11th, 9am.  Consignment Auction-2114 Hill Street, Kamiah, Idaho.  Preview May 10th, 10am-6pm.

Burke and Hixon Moving Estate Auction

Ted’s Valley Auction all caps 

Hixson and Consignment auction  

June 3, 2023,  

2114 Hill St. 9:00 o’clock AM 

Preview June 2nd from 12:00 o’clock 26 o’clock 

1989Ford U-Haul van truck, Chevy pickup with canopy, Weatherby  mark V   Left handed 7MM with lica scope, Sun Dolphin pro 120 with 9.8 outboard and Minolta electric motor  and trailer,   Remington 700. 270 left handed, Mossberg  shotgun, ATV trailer, 200 Gallon Rubbermaid stock tank,  homemade trailer, 2 New 9 x 13 cream shag rugs, 150 gallon propane tank portable, swing on own frame, large winch with a rebuilt Wisconsin motor,  2-culvert, Approximately 79 round peeled poles approximately  26 sheets copper colored roofing or siding, bunch of 12 Ft sheets, some shorter pieces copper colored, Fire Hydrant, 2 metal barrels, Antlers,   Eight branding irons,  Lots of Cast iron, ice tongs, Draw Knife,  Metal shelves, traps, lots and lots  and lots of  wrenches and sockets m, , Air compressor, barb wire, 14 Inch Wood band  saw,  scroll saws, Auger bits, Ladder, Stove parts, camping supplies, metal wheel sign, Lots of Fishing Tackel, Hand planners, Electrical components, Some 25 Auto, 22 caliber, 40 S&W, Shotgun Ammo, Christmas, Nut Crackers, battery charger, old foreign coins, some rail road ties short 6x6s small school bell with stand, Shelves, glass jars, Lots of antiques  partially finished cooler cabinets and Fenton glassware, ruby glassware lots of fabric, Mikasa glass, Fenton, Carnival glass, Large Ball 4 gallon glass jar, purple glassware, Antique hinges, Pfaltzgraff, buckets  of staples and nails, Dining table, canning jars, Trunks, Marbles, Rum Rill pottery and so much more… 

Still unpacking watch website for updates