Teds Valley Auction
Consignment Auction
April 1st 9:00 Am
2114 Hill St. Kamiah ID
Preview: Friday March31st 12:00 to 6:00 pm
Visit: tedsvalleyauction.com
Coins, Silver, Pokeman, Ty Babies card collection, Oil Lamps, Train collection with tracks,
Tools/Outdoors; 10 boxs-410 Shotgun shells, 40 S&W ammo, 30 cal. bullets, Small pistol magnum Primers, Large pistol magnum primers, Reloading dies, New never used solar generator, new Ridgid Cordless drill, Ridgid saw, Table top Drill Press, Electric start power washer, Subaru Pressure washer, Pallet jack, 2 large electric fans, Pumps, Large dog kennel, Aluminum sheep loading ramp, Cattle fence sections, Aluminum headache for large truck, Lot of T-posts, Iron, Lots of chains including large truck chains, Milwaukee Rotary hammer ,Chain saw, Rolling tool chest, Chain Binders, Air compressor, Ladders, Pickup tool box, 2 work boxes, Atv work box, ATV ramps, Sleeping bags, Grinders, Parts washing station, Air hose reel, Vintage parts cabinet, Motors, Air compressor, Motor oil, Large electric motors, Double seater bike, Saddles, Bridles, Horse tack, Camping supplies, Sem- trailer tarps and so much more…
Household: Vintage wooden phone box, Lots of Cat construction toys, vintage display cabinet,
Vintage trunks, Husqvarna sewing machine and cabinet, Cutting mats, 2 reclining couches,
Hide a bed couch. Leather office chair, 2 Recliners, End tables, 3- 4×8 portable tables, lifetime
tables, Dining table, Dressers, Twin bed, McCoy Bowls and dishes, Tea cups, Lot of books, Dutch
oven, Cast iron, Large pots, 2 new Vanity sinks, 2 new ceiling fans, Dehydrators, Hand painted
gold pans, Blankets, and much more