Teds Valley Auction
April 22 Consignment Auction
9:00 Am @ 2114 Hill St. Kamiah, ID.
Preview: Friday April 21 12:00 to 6:00 PM
1990 Bay liner 30 FT cabin cruiser W/ trailer good condition, kia car, Tandem axel trailer, Farmall 300 tractor has torque amplifier with bucket and brush hog and scraper comes with chains runs great , Farmall tractor w hydraulic arm on back runs great, Brand new chicken coupe, Token operated slot machine, Marbkes
16 Firearms: Olympic .223, Remington 728 300 Win Mag, Winchester .22 semi Auto rifle, Mag Tech . 22 cal. Rifle, 20 gauge shotgun, 12 gauge shotguns, several 22. Cal rifles, 38 Cali. Revolver, 410 pistol. Lots of ammo, 300 Win Mag. 30-30. 17 HMR, 22 Mag. 12 gauge, 16. Gauge. 410. ,22 cal. 223, lots of 22 cal., 72 inch drive over John Deere mowing deck, riding lawn mower with bagging system, Rolling tool box, , Rear tine tiller, Husqvarna Weed trimmer, Oil Stove, New Camp Chef propane oven/stove, 5 Chain saws, Several stock tanks, Lots of cedar split rail posts, Garden fence, Roll of new rope, 2 5-gallon pails new construction primer, Bag of Kentucky blue grass, Delta radial arm saw, 2 bottom plow, 3- bottom Ford plow, Tractor supply tuck tool box, propane tanks, ammo cans, approx. 50 fishing poles, 2 Boat motos, 2 sump pumps, 2 trash pumps, Patio chairs, gardening, Lots of fishing tackle, Antlers, Knives, railing and so much more…
Approx.90 bolts of fabric, Vintage Hoosier, Book cases, Dressers, Vintage sewing machine, Carnival glass, chickens, Mazzer coffee grinder, Kitchen aid mixer, Roaster oven, Vintage Drafting table, Hall Tree, Bar stools, 2 dinning tables, Bookshelf cabinets, 2 sewing machines, 2 love seats, couch, 4 beds, lots of dolls, Oil lamps, Garden fountain,