Teds Valley Auction
Consignment Auction
August 5th 2023. @ 9:00 AM
2114 Hill St. Kamiah ID.
Preview Friday August 4th
2004 Mazda Mini van, 2008 Honda ATV 502 miles warn winch and rear box, Mini bike, Lengths of BCI’s, Harrington and richards single shot l10 Gauge Shotgun, Remington 1100 12 Gauge Shotgun, Stack on Elite gun safe, Leupold 15×45 spotting scope, John Deere 72 inch drive over mower deck, Small kids motorcycle, 55 Bales of hay, camping kitchen, pressure Canners, shotgun shells, lots of shotgun shells, lots of Wagner / Grizwald cast iron, Gun powder, Duck decoys, Geese decoys, elk decoy, Game Bags, Turkey decoy, Shooting sticks, traps, Mini fridge, Meat grinder, stand up sink, chicken laying box, Couch, Bed, Chain saws, Ryobi Table saw, BBQ, Tree Stands, Stuffed goose, lot of older arrows, Antlers, Tools, Power Washer, Snow Blower, Mantis tiller’s, Sthil weed eater, Barb wire fence stays, dog kennels, Cables, Chains, Hand tools, Hard wood slabs, small Honda generator, hunting clothes, Camping gear, Electrical boxes, wrenches, Hand tools, band saw, Camp stoves, running boards, used camper doors, Yard furniture, pvc fittings, ladders, lawn mower, Trail cameras, Shotgun reloader, Large cutting board, Cutting torch parts, Lots of lead for reloading shotguns, Lots of lead for fishing and others, rugs, Air conditioners, sewing machine, Hospital bed, small Table, Canopy with fittings, Feed/water buckets, Garbage cans, Barrels, stained glass, mirrors, Several different sizes tires, Metal body of toy fire truck, and so much more