Teds Valley Auction
Nuxoll Farm and Home Estate sale
June 11th 9:00 AM
2114 Hill St. Kamiah, ID.
Preview: June 10th 12:00 to 6:00 PM
This will be a 2 ring auction for a few hours.
Visit: tedsvalleyauction.com for photos and more information
Collectibles: Approx. 5000 cookbook collection, Lamps, Tin Type toys, Vintage metal toy and tractors,
Lunch boxes, vintage carpentry boxes, hand planners, 4 draw knives, sickles, Crocks, butter churn, old Idaho pop bottles, Old bottles, Glassware, Jars, Picture frames, Jacks, cast iron, Functioning McCormick cream separator Cream cans, Sleds, several nice Cross cut saws, lot of vintage Hub caps And so much more,
Firearms: High Standard .22 Cal (Military) pistol, Steven Arms Little scout ,22, Mossberg Model 151K with scope, Riverside Arms 12 gauge, Marlin Arm Model 81DL with scope, Smith and Wesson 38 Special
Thompson Center 58 Cal Muzzle loader
Outdoors/tools: Cat RD6 running, Millermatic 175 mig welder with tank, propane torch, 1952 International L132, 1974 International Scout not running, Ford Ferguson tractor not running, Older Ford Pickup box trailer, Wood splitter, 4 discs, 2 spring tooth diggers, single plow vintage with metal wheels, 5 bottom plow metal wheels, Vintage hay cycle, Drag Saw, Post cutting machine, Vintage Metal wheels, Vintage metal rings, Fuel Tank, Spool of cable. Posts, Kitchen box for covered wagon or trailer, Wood Stove, Camp/tent wood stove very nice, vintage oil pumps, vintage sinks, Hand tools Generator, Fairbanks Flat scale, 2-21/2 x10 x approx. 24 red fir beams dry stored for years in barn, 2×6’s different lengths, 2×4’s different lengths. Plywood, Wrenches, Chains, Chain rack, Large chain hoist, Cut off saw and stand, grinder, drill press, Cable with pulling block, oils, saw blades and so much more
Household, Vintage cabinets, tables, Chest freeze, Kitchen aid , canning supplies, pressure cookers Large stock pots lots of canning jars, Lots of specialty jars, Cast patio set, Wooden well, Accordion, lots of sewing machines, Serger, Fabric, Pans, and so much more
There is so many collectibles in this auction and so much we are still hauling. Questions call Ted @ 208-983-5657