Ed and Judy Berreth Farm Estate

Ed and Judy Berreth farm Estate

May 21st 9:00 am

Tupper Road Weippe, ID

Preview May 20th 10-6 Friday

Hwy 11 to 3 Mile Road, South on 3 mile Road to Tupper Road.  Right on Tupper Road to end of Road. Follow the signs.

Farm Equipment:  John Deere Combine, International tractor with loader, Garret  Skidder, Allis Chambers tractor with loader, Farmall 560 with loader, 3-Cat d-6’s, Cat d4 (not running), Ford 800 Stock truck, Hesston PT-7 Pull swather, Allis chambers Tractor with front hay rake, Rock picker, John Deere 5 bottom plow, Brush hog, 2 Spring tooth diggers, 5 bottom plow, 12,800 gallon Metal tank (approx. 20×11), 2- Boats, 5 Boat motors, 2 Welders, Table saw, Dodge flatbed pickup, Artic Cat trv ATV, Old Oliver tractor, 3 tractors  and vintage combine that don’t run, Riding Lawn Mower, Troy built Sycle mower, Chicken Roosting /nesting rack, Orchard ladders, Drill, Old sprayers, Pickup Box and  3 Trailers, 6 Large Tillers, Large grinders, Lots of sockets and wrenches, Wooden Pulley’s , Metal pulley’s, gloves, Logging tapes,  planner,  10- 5 gallon buckets of hydraulic oil, Lots of motor oil, PTO pump, Sliding compound miter saw, Routers, several fuel tanks, Lots of hand tools, PV’s and PV handles, Lots of new hammers and hatchet handles, Large socket sets, Lots of Chain saws and parts for chain saws, Blaze King wood stove,  3 ½ to 4 cord of firewood dry stored, Windows, Doors, Apple press, Lots of cedar split posts and fencing (over 300 posts) 2 Vintage washing machines, Lots and lots of fishing tackle fishing gear, Vintage wheat thresher, Lots and lots of weed spray, Planer, 3-Atv sprayers, lots of scrap iron, Sthil Weed trimmer Lots of ax and pick and shovel heads, chicken wire,  There is so much more this is short list…

Lots of steamer trunks Including a John Dutton trunk marked 1911 from Colorado, Lots of collectibles, Crown Crocks 2 and 3 gallon, Whiskey jug with Montana advertisement, Crock Bowl, Lots of cast iron (Wagner and Griswold), Lots of lanterns, Some vintage furniture, Chest freezer, Refrigerator, stove, Book cases Lots and lots of canning jars, several pressure cookers, Vintage jars, kitchen aid mixer, Yarn, fabric, blankets, Meat slicer, all the house hold items, Cases of 100 watt lights, Sleeping bags, camping supplies, knives, enamel ware, and so much more this is a very large auction 2 rings going on this one. 

There will be a forklift and large loader to load items. You will have 10 days to move items, all items sold where is as is no reserve. There will be concessions on site. This again will be a large auction

Questions call Ted at 208-983-5657